The Green House (11x14)
The Green House (11x14)
The Green House
Ellen Delaney
Acrylic on panel
Size: 11×14
Price: $620 (A0732ED)
The Green House
Ellen Delaney
Acrylic on panel
Size: 11×14
Price: $620 (A0732ED)
Ellen Delaney grew up in Hamden Connecticut and has worked as an architect in the Washington DC area for many years. It was her interest in design and graphics as an architect that led to her interest in painting. Her abstract landscapes depict rural farmland, and cityscapes focusing largely on color and texture. They attempt to distill landscapes into simpler forms while maintaining a strong sense of place the viewer can relate to. Travels to Iowa for architectural work began a focus on flat farmland scenes. Drawn to the patterns of planted fields, simple barns, and big skies, Ellen’s compositions interject hard edged manmade elements in the fluid natural landscape.