Ceiling Fresco after Raphael, Plate 2 (15x10.5)


Ceiling Fresco after Raphael, Plate 2 (15x10.5)


Amoretto from the Villa Farnesina, Loggia di Psiche, Plate 2
Gérard Audran after Raphael
Hand-Colored Copperplate Engraving
Paris, 1688
Plate Size: 8.5 x 11 (art)
Paper Size: 15.25 x 10.5
Price: $375 (S0274-APS)

In 1517, Agostino Chigi commissioned Raphael to decorate the ground floor loggia of the Villa Farnesina in Rome (located in Trastevere) in which the artist had painted the Galatea a few years before. The frescoes represent the Story of Psyche, a myth derived from the Golden Ass of Apuleius (2nd century A. D.). The cycle of pictures appears only on the ceiling. Audran’s engravings document these magnificent frescoes.

Price: $325 (S0274-APS)

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